Sunday, May 13, 2012

Immediate Deliver your Mother's Day Gift, 30% Off

Build a Box for your Gift Certificate
Your mother's collar may have been soiled with your sorrowed sobs.  Her eyelids may have been wrinkled with dreams of your happiness.  Her lap may have been stretched and softened to cradle your cultivation.  These are a woman's badges of honor, medallions of her motherhood. 

Women are born mothers.  Motherhood doesn't ceremonially commence when a woman conceives a child.  She can bear children in her heart long before she ever (if ever) bears them in her womb. 


Share a cherished fashion memory of your Mother and/or a bit of modern advice you wish she would implement.


Use the code MOMMY30 this week to purchase a Mommy in your life a digitally delivered Cardigan Empire gift certificate for any fashion service at a generous 30% discount.

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